江门按摩椅|江门跑步机|江门体育设施|江门户外路径-江门悦康健身器材有限公司-首页 ...
江门按摩椅,江门跑步机,江门健身器材,江门体育设施,专业打造企事业单位健身房及家庭健身室,江门悦康健身器材有限公司,电话:0750-3560950,传真:0750-3560950.地址:广东省江门市蓬江区白石大道怡景湾201号115. 59 ...
- Select one version of your site as main and make a redirect from other versions to that one.
- Avoid using deprecated HTML tags.
- Implement the viewport meta tag.
- Use "H" tags.
Domain : www.yuekanglife.com/
Character length : 20
江门按摩椅,江门跑步机,江门健身器材,江门体育设施,专业打造企事业单位健身房及家庭健身室,江门悦康健身器材有限公司,电话:0750-3560950,传真:0750-3560950.地址:广东省江门市蓬江区白石大道怡景湾201号115. 59
Keywords (meta keywords)
奥佳华按摩椅,好家庭跑步机,英瑞得跑步机,BH跑步机,亿佳按摩椅,江门悦康健身器材有限公司 58
Error! Using “meta keywords” is meaningless in a while.
Error! Using “meta keywords” is meaningless in a while.
Open Graph Protocol
Error! The website does not use the OG (Open Graph) protocol.
Dublin Core
Dublin Core is not used
Underscores in the URLs
Error! Hyphen (-) is a better solution than underscore (_) in the URLs
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/order_cha.asp ("我的订单")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/huodong_view.asp?id=74
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=286
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=42 ("德国英瑞得INERD MTC2.¥3,280.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=69 ("英瑞得MTR-470L豪华家用多¥8,800.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=277 ("岱宇DYACO FT330全折叠¥4,799.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=276 ("岱宇DYACO FT350家用折¥6,380.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=270 ("好家庭GOODFAMILY 艾菲¥6,980.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=268 ("力动RIDO T2跑步机智能家¥4,488.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=254 ("BH跑步机必艾奇家用静音G633¥6,999.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=198 ("精灵塑身系列·艾菲特GI9138¥4,980.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=90 ("XTERRA司特拉 MB500动¥4,680.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=216 ("好家庭·艾菲特GI2019动感单¥6,980.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=154 ("司特拉XTERRA ERG40¥4,880.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=282 ("岱宇DYACO FE325磁控¥4,880.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=265 ("力动RIDO TB50健身车家用¥2,980.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=222 ("好家庭·艾菲特GI3300家用健¥4,980.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=219 ("好家庭·艾菲特GI2300家用健¥3,680.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=214 ("好家庭·艾菲特GI2015动感单¥3,680.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=147 ("阿迪达斯Adidas ADBE-¥7,080.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=164 ("锐步Reebok ARSBE-1¥3,380.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=272 ("力动RIDO TD50多功能哑铃¥1,299.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=271 ("力动RIDO TD30多功能哑铃¥738.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=260 ("力动RIDO TD20 仰卧板腹¥499.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=259 ("RIDO力动TG60三人站家用多¥4,880.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=258 ("RIDO力动TG50单人站家用多¥3,680.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=246 ("好家庭·T2-2114小腿训练器¥0.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=286 ("奥佳华OGAWA OG-7598¥39,800.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=190 ("奥佳华OGAWA OG-7501¥19,800.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=87 ("OGAWA奥佳华OG-7558S¥34,800.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=287 ("【特惠套餐】奥佳华OGAWA O¥2,980.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=157 ("OGAWA奥佳华 OG-3109¥2,680.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=169 ("OGAWA奥佳华 OG-5508¥5,980.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=51 ("OGAWA奥佳华 OE-3118¥5,380.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=77 ("BH必艾奇NS40 颈肩按摩大师¥998.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=248 ("国家奥林匹克森林公园 户外路径¥0.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=247 ("国家(北京)奥体中心 轨道棋¥0.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=231 ("沈阳市全民健身示范园轨道棋苑¥0.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=125 ("2022年北京冬奥组委健身中心¥0.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=251 ("体育学院健身房案例¥0.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=250 ("北京朝阳门球场实例¥0.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=249 ("福州江滨沙滩公园 场地实例¥0.00")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products_view.asp?id=229 ("深圳市龙城公园 户外设备实例¥0.00")
- Expand
Search engine friendly URLs
Error! Not all URLs are SEO friendly on this website!
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=2&uid2=46&lm_name=%E6%... ("OGAWA奥佳华按摩椅")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=4&uid2=53&lm_name=%E6%... ("ENJA亿佳按摩器")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=3&uid2=49&lm_name=%E8%... ("BH必艾奇跑步机")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=4&lm_name=%E8%B7%91%E6... ("跑步机")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=4&uid2=52&lm_name=%E8%... ("好家庭GoodFamily")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=4&uid2=53&lm_name=%E8%... ("英瑞得INREAD")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=4&uid2=70&lm_name=%E8%... ("必艾奇BH")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=4&uid2=84&lm_name=%E8%... ("岱宇DYACO")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=4&uid2=62&lm_name=%E8%... ("司特拉XTERRA")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=4&uid2=82&lm_name=%E8%... ("力动RIDO")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=3&lm_name=%E8%BF%90%E5... ("运动健身车")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=3&uid2=60&lm_name=%E8%... ("好家庭GOODFAMILY")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=3&uid2=49&lm_name=%E8%... ("司特拉XTERRA")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=3&uid2=50&lm_name=%E8%... ("岱宇DYACO")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=3&uid2=81&lm_name=%E8%... ("力动RIDO")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=5&lm_name=%E5%8A%9B%E9... ("力量训练器")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=5&uid2=55&lm_name=%E5%... ("好家庭GOODFAMILY")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=5&uid2=64&lm_name=%E5%... ("力动RIDO")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=5&uid2=68&lm_name=%E5%... ("阿迪达斯ADIDAS")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=5&uid2=65&lm_name=%E5%... ("三飞IMPAT")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=5&uid2=85&lm_name=%E5%... ("赛佰斯CYBEX")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=2&lm_name=%E6%8C%89%E6... ("按摩养生")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=2&uid2=46&lm_name=%E6%... ("奥佳华OGAWA")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=2&uid2=47&lm_name=%E6%... ("必艾奇BH")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=2&uid2=48&lm_name=%E6%... ("亿佳ENJA")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=6&lm_name=%E5%81%A5%E8... ("健身房实例")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=6&uid2=73&lm_name=%E5%... ("户外健身")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=6&uid2=61&lm_name=%E5%... ("商业客户")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=6&uid2=56&lm_name=%E5%... ("特色健身")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=6&uid2=80&lm_name=%E5%... ("健身房配置方案")
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=6&uid2=80&lm_name=健身房实...
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=4&lm_name=跑步健身机
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=3&uid2=60&lm_name=运动健身...
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=5&lm_name=力量训练器
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=2&lm_name=按+摩+椅
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/products.asp?uid1=6&lm_name=健身房策划
- Expand
Checking the robots.txt file
The robots.txt file is missing!
Social Engagement
No info found.
XHTML 1.0 Transitional
Perfect! The character encoding is set: UTF-8.
Error! No language localization is found.
Character length : 41
Good! The title’s length is between 10 and 70 characters.
Character length : 41
Good! The title’s length is between 10 and 70 characters.
Text / HTML ratio
Ratio : 13%
Error! The text / HTML code ratio is under 15 percent on this website. This value shows that the website has relatively few text content.
Error! The text / HTML code ratio is under 15 percent on this website. This value shows that the website has relatively few text content.
H1 | H2 | H3 | H4 | H5 | H6 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
No "H" tags found
Heading structure in the source code
Word cloud
- 力动rido11
- 岱宇dyaco7
- 好家庭goodfamily7
- 司特拉xterra5
- 奥佳华ogawa4
- 必艾奇bh4
- ogawa奥佳华3
- 关于我们3
- 阿迪达斯adidas3
- 联系我们3
- 三飞impat2
- 赛佰斯cybex2
- 健身房实例2
- 健身房配置方案2
- 招聘信息2
- 特色健身2
- 商业客户2
- 力量训练器2
- 户外健身2
- 亿佳enja2
- 按摩养生2
- 政策&条款2
- 隐私权声明2
- 投递配送信息2
- 运动健身车2
- 跑步机2
- 英瑞得inread2
Keyword matrix
word | title | descriptions | heading |
力动rido | |||
岱宇dyaco | |||
好家庭goodfamily | |||
司特拉xterra | |||
奥佳华ogawa | |||
必艾奇bh |
Two Word cloud
- 健身房实例 户外健身2
404 Page
The website has a 404 error page.
Flash content
Good! The website does not have any flash contents.
Good! The website does not use iFrame solutions.
We found 53 images on this web page.
Alternate attributes for the following 6 images are missing. Search engines use "alt" tags to understand image content efficiently. We strongly recommend fixing this issue.
Alternate attributes for the following 6 images are missing. Search engines use "alt" tags to understand image content efficiently. We strongly recommend fixing this issue.
Deprecated HTML elements
Error! Deprecated HTML tags are used on this webpage. You should improve your website.
Deprecated HTML tags | Occurrences |
<font> | 1 |
Redirection (www / not www)
Error! The web address is accessible with and without www!
Deprecated HTML elements
Error! Deprecated HTML tags are used on this webpage. You should improve your website.
Deprecated HTML tags | Occurrences |
<font> | 1 |
Suggestion! Unfortunately, no printer-friendly CSS found.
Meta Tag (viewport tag, mobile devices)
Error! The meta tag named viewport is missing.
Server response time
The server response time is fast enough.
Table layout
Good! No nested tables found.
Number of HTTP resources
Number of source domains
Render blocking resources
The elements below are blocking the “above the fold” rendering.
List of render blocking javascript files
List of render blocking javascript files
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/Public/gongyong/jquery-2.1.1.min.js
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/.. /responsiveslides.min.js
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/Public/gongyong/wow.min.js
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/Public/gongyong/jquery.rotate.min.js
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/Public/gongyong/tianlan.js
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/Public/home_css.css
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/Public/gongyong/animate.css
Good! Just a few javascript files are detected on the website.
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/js/lunbo_jquery-1.7.1.min.js
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/js/lunbo_jquery.event.drag-1.5.min.js
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/js/lunbo_jquery.touchSlider.js
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/js/lunbo_script.js
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/js/script.js
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/js/jquery.Sonline.js
File size of all javascript files combined
Javascript minifying
You can save 300B (42% compression) on the analysed URL by minifying the javascript files.
Good! Just a few CSS files are used on this website.
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/css/lunbo_style.css
- http://www.yuekanglife.com/css/datouwang.css
File size of all css files combined
CSS minifying
You can save 919B (17% compression) on the analysed URL by minifying the CSS files.
- By minifying http://www.yuekanglife.com/Public/home_css.css you can save 919B (17% compression rate)
Uncompressed size of the of the HTML
Gzip compression
Your site uses compression.
Number of static resources (image, JS, CSS)
Browser cache
The browser cache is not set correctly for all elements.
URL | Duration |
http://www.yuekanglife.com/Public/gongyong/animate.css | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.yuekanglife.com/Public/gongyong/jquery-2.1.1.min.js | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.yuekanglife.com/Public/gongyong/jquery.rotate.min.js | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.yuekanglife.com/.. /responsiveslides.min.js | Expiry time is not specified |
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http://www.yuekanglife.com/Public/gongyong/wow.min.js | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.yuekanglife.com/Public/home_css.css | Expiry time is not specified |
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http://www.yuekanglife.com/upfile/img/2018-01-26/5a6aa6397eaa3.jpg | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.yuekanglife.com/upfile/img/2018-03-13/5aa74bc6c0031.jpg | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.yuekanglife.com/upfile/img/2018-03-13/5aa76923e202a.jpg | Expiry time is not specified |
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http://www.yuekanglife.com/upfile/img/2018-04-25/5ae046b5b6a83.jpg | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.yuekanglife.com/upfile/img/2018-04-25/5ae0519fd9e14.jpg | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.yuekanglife.com/upfile/img/2018-04-26/5ae19ed1a995b.jpg | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.yuekanglife.com/upfile/img/2018-04-26/5ae19ffb9b858.jpg | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.yuekanglife.com/upfile/img/2018-04-26/5ae1a1085cbbb.jpg | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.yuekanglife.com/upfile/img/2018-04-26/5ae1a2415f5b7.jpg | Expiry time is not specified |
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http://www.yuekanglife.com/upfile/lm/lm_1524808355.jpg | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.yuekanglife.com/upfile/lm/lm_1524808924.jpg | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.yuekanglife.com/upfile/lm/lm_1524812759.jpg | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.yuekanglife.com/upfile/lm/lm_1524815231.jpg | Expiry time is not specified |
http://www.yuekanglife.com/upfile/lm/lm_1524817129.jpg | Expiry time is not specified |
File size of all images combined
Image optimisation
You can save 4.8MB (77% compression) by optimising the images below:
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